Adult Vaccination!

Q. Why is vaccination in adults important?
A. Vaccination is one of the best preventive measures against infections. Like children, adults also require specific vaccinations to provide immunity against various bacteria and viruses. Vaccination is indispensable in old age and patients with low immunity like hematopoietic and solid organ transplant recipients, patients with malignancies on chemotherapy; and patients on treatment with steroids, monoclonal antibodies and other immunosuppressive drugs.

Q. Which vaccines are important for adults?
A. i) Pneumococcal vaccine- For patients with cardiac diseases, pulmonary diseases, hematologic disorders, renal disorders, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, sickle cell disease, HIV, patients on immunosuppressive drugs.
ii) Influenza- For patients with cardiac diseases, pulmonary diseases, hematologic disorders, renal disorders, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus, neurologic diseases with respiratory compromise.
iii) Rubella- Foe females of childbearing age.
iv) HPV vaccine- Protects females against cervical carcinoma.
v) Hepatitis A
vi) Chicken pox- For adults susceptible to chicken pox
vii) Herpes zoster- For persons above 60 years of age
viii) Meningococcus- For students going abroad for study, persons travelling to endemic regions like Africa, Saudi Arabia