Community acquired infections!

Q. Are antibiotics necessary for the usual cough and cold with mild fever?
A. Most of such episodes in adults are viral. Antibiotics are the medicines against bacteria and therefore, they should not be taken / prescribed unless there is strong suspicion of bacterial infection. Self-administration of antibiotics can be dangerous and is highly discouraged.

Q. What should be the treatment of diarrhea (loose stools) / acute gastroenteritis?
A. Most of these episodes are viral. Therefore, antibiotics are not recommended to all patients unless the doctor strongly recommends.

Q. What can be done to prevent community acquired infections like typhoid, pneumonia, diarrhea, urinary infections etc?
A. 1. Vaccination for pneumonia, typhoid gives protection against these diseases.

2. Contaminated water and food can lead to typhoid and diarrheas. Outside food, especially raw salads and sauces should be avoided. Ice and ice-creams should be consumed from the places where cold temperature chain is maintained properly.

3. Drinking plenty water and liquids may offer protection against urinary infections (UTI). For patients with problem of frequent episodes of UTI, incorporating Cranberry juice/extract in their diet may help.